Dec 7, 2016 | Accounting Frauds
For three years in a row the Department of Housing and Urban Development has received the same accounting and internal controls conclusion from the audit of its financials. What is the conclusion: the audit found 11 material weaknesses, seven significant deficiencies...Nov 17, 2016 | Accounting Frauds
The fight between HP and Autonomy saw the former autonomy CFO, Sushovan Hussain, being charged with accounting fraud by a federal grand jury in the US. The charges against Hussain alleged that he made false and misleading statements about Autonomy’s finances, put...Oct 4, 2014 | Accounting Frauds
Newly appointed CEO Dave Lewis started his tenure at Tesco by suspending four executives after discovering some serious accounting irregularities. The company came to know of the issue when an informed employee went to the company’s general counsel to report the...